Вагинални топчета AMORESSA OSIAN THREE PREMIUM SILICONE | Vhodsvoboden.com
- 100% хипоалергенна силиконова структура
- Тегло: 101 гр.
- Размери: Диаметър 34 мм
- След като сте вмъкнали топките, тазовата мускулатура ще започне да работи, като се опитва да задържи топките на мястото си.
- Въртенето на топките във вътрешността стимулира и укрепва мускулите на тазовото дъно по време на всички движения, включени в ежедневието ви.
- Увеличават чувствителността по време на секс, както за жените, така и за мъжете!
- Препоръчва се от акушерки и гинеколози като начин за възстановяване на мускулите на тазовото дъно след раждането.
- Увеличава резултатите от следродилните упражнения.
- Предотвратява уринарната инконтиненция и пролабирания мехур.
- Практически незабележимо
- 2 години гаранция
Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:
The Amoressa OSIAN Chinese balls are covered with 100% high quality silicone. They have an elegant design in three colours as well as an incomparable soft, comfortable, velvety touch.
OSIAN THREE is the ideal accessory for pelvic floor training, especially for beginners and/or women with a tilted uterus. They are introduced in the same way as a tampon, and just like a tampon, OSIAN THREE is practically imperceptible. During your daily movements, the constant yet silent internal rotations generate involuntary muscular contractions that strengthen the musculature of the pelvic floor.
OSIAN THREE helps to tone the pelvic floor muscles responsible for sexual pleasure, as they have a perfectly measured weight that guarantee a sensational session of pelvic floor training, to attenuate incontinence, intensify orgasms and consequently improve sexual well-being.
For greater effectiveness, short, regular sessions are recommended. Once the pelvic floor musculature has been strengthened with ODILON THREE, repeat the procedure with OSIAN ONE, TWO and THREE regularly every 6 months.
Amoressa balls are completely smooth, thus facilitating their insertion and producing a sensation of comfort. Easy to use and clean, they are the perfect choice for flawless pelvic muscle health.
- 100% hypoallergenic silicone structure
- Weight: 101 grams
- Measurements: Diameter of 34mm
- Once you have inserted the balls, your pelvic muscles will start to work, trying to keep the balls in their place.
- The rotation of the balls in the interior stimulates and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles during all the movements involved in your daily routine.
- They increase sensitivity during sex, both for WOMEN as well as MEN!
- Recommended by midwives and gynaecologists as a way to recover your pelvic floor muscles after giving birth.
- Increases the results of postpartum exercises.
- Prevents urinary incontinence and prolapsed bladder.
- Practically imperceptible
Clean the toy thoroughly before and after each use, with warm water and neutral soap.
Store the Amoressa Osian balls in a dust-free environment and keep out of contact with other toys made from different materials (TPR, PVC jelly, etc.). Avoid exposure to daylight and to extremely high temperatures.
- 2 Year Warranty
- Производител: AMORESSA
- Модел: 17173
- Наличност: В наличност
- 52 лв.
49 лв.