- Медицински силикон
- Система за сменяеми тежести.
- Размер: 3 мм ширина.
- Топки с мек и соден привкус.
- Тегло на всяка топка: 24 грама, 34 грама, 44 грама и 56 грама и 77 грама.
- 5 възможности за упражнения
Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:
A pelvic floor training system designed for a healthier sexual life for women thanks to the performance of Kegel exercises by changing weights to develop stronger muscles.
Set of 5 Geisha balls with different colors and weights. It has two silicone sleeves with flexible silicone strips for comfortable removal. You can combine all the balls you want and exercise your pelvic floor at your own pace.
The main features are:
- Medical silicone
- Interchangeable weight system.
- Size: 3 mm wide.
- Balls with a soft and soda touch.
- Weight of each ball: 24 grams, 34 grams, 44 grams and 56 grams and 77 grams.
- 5 exercise possibilities
- Производител: G-Vibe
- Модел: 83327
- Наличност: 3 работни дни
- 94 лв.
89 лв.