• Смазваща течност на силиконова основа, концентрирана, прозрачна, без вкус и мирис.
  • Копринено мека, не изсушава, не абсорбира и не лепне.
  • Не губи мекотата си дори под вода.
  • Издръжлив по време на употреба и безопасен за използване с презерватив.
  • Създаден да подсили интимното изживяване, благодарение на уникална формула и качествени съставки. Поради неговата концентрация и издръжливост, няколко капки са достатъчни за значително подобряване на сексуалните отношения.
  • Отличен и за масажи, тъй като остава мек и не попива

Оригинално описание от производител на английски език:

A silicone-based lubricating fluid that is not a gel and does not depend on the body's natural moisture, making it effective in cases and areas where there is no natural lubrication.
Just a few drops of a silky-smooth but super-concentrated lubricant will get you or your lover into sexual overdrive.


  • Silicone-based lubricating fluid, concentrated, transparent, tasteless and odorless.
  • Silky soft, non-drying, non-absorbent and non-sticky.
  • It does not lose its softness, even under water.
  • Durable throughout use and safe to use with a condom.
  • Designed to enhance the intimate experience, thanks to a unique formula and quality ingredients. Due to its concentration and durability, a few drops are enough to greatly improve sexual relations.
  • Also excellent for massages as it remains soft and does not absorb

ID has been manufacturing personal lubricants since 1993 and are experts in the field. IDs quality lubricants are specially formulated to increase personal pleasure and comfort for a memorable intimate experience. Whether used alone or with or without condoms, ID lubricants are designed to reduce friction. When using condoms, proper lubrication helps prolong the integrity of the condom and increase overall stimulation.


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